Personally, I get frustrated when I have to HONE something down to a specific "favorite." It feels too confining. Too restrictive. Too subjective to my mood at any given moment. A favorite book one summer will be replaced by another read in the winter. Or, PURPLE was a favorite color for years which phased into plum and periwinkle hues leading to more blueish tones. And now, BLUE is my favorite color. Who can pick a singular favorite in various categories when we are constantly changing and evolving ourselves? I certainly can't!
For most of the things I REALLY care about (like BOOKS) it feels completely OVERWHELMING to try to narrow down to a favorite novel or a favorite biography, etc. If I choose "A," then what about "B"? And we I can't forget "C!" I'm forever second guessing my answers!
Having an overabundance of FAVORITES (or reluctance to commit to a sole #1) is probably NOT A BAD THING! Indecisive, maybe. But better to have MANY favorites (in most categories) than NONE! Right? Or am I just more FICKLE than the rest of the people on the planet?