No, I don’t consider Sprinkles cupcakes as condiments! Rather, this is a blog post about old friendships. And what an inspiration they can be! We had a reconnection with our old friends, Jon and Suzie Terry this year and it’s been one of those “tender mercies” that make life sweet.
We first met the Terrys in La Jolla before Paige was born. They moved into our ward; a darling newlywed couple. Then, when Brent served as Bishop, Jon was his counselor. The Terrys were sweet friends many years back and we’ve kept in touch through Christmas cards and occasional sightings over the years.
So, when Paige was planning to relocate to Huntington Beach, Brent realized the Terry’s lived just a little south of that area. As Brent checked in with them about housing ideas, Jon insisted Paige was welcome to bunk up at their place until she found somewhere to live.
Initially we thought it might be for a week. Maybe two. I mean poor Paige has been living out of a suitcase! But, several room situations didn’t pan out and Paige ended up with the Terry family for a month and a half. And they couldn’t have been nicer about the imposition. We’d check in to see if Paige had overstayed her welcome and they would assure us that Paige was family and they’d be sorry to see her leave.
I was so touched by the Terry's kindness. They made us feel like it was no big deal, and while I know Paige tried hard to be unobtrusive, let’s face it, house guests are house guests.
Generous people always make me want to “pay if forward” when we’ve been served. We were lucky to know the Terry’s back when we lived in La Jolla and so grateful they were willing to let Paige stay with them now.
In fact, the day Paige moved out she told me that Suzie had just been called to be the new ward Relief Society President. The Bishop who extended that call is one smart guy. Because, based on how kind she was to Paige, Suzie will be great in that position; she’s a natural at providing relief!
Oh, yes, the Sprinkles "Thanx A lot" box of cupcakes was left by Paige for the Terry crew to enjoy!