Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Diet Coke Detox!

The 1st week of Lent is behind us! And, in full disclosure I can happily report that I have not had any caffeinated soda! Score 1 for K2! So, the Diet Coke Detox has clearly begun!

It has not been easy! Drinking Diet Coke has definitely been my longest running vice! And, while I'm sure quitting must pale in comparison to other things, it is hard enough for me. Which should be a cautionary tale for me to stay far far away from products with any remote potential for addiction!

But, hey, I figure if I can make it through Lent then I might as well continue on! Because the more I read about diet soda the more lame I feel about actually paying for and ingesting a product that impedes good health!

1. Dentists say Coke stains your teeth and erodes tooth enamel! 2. Michelle Obama's campaign to curb childhood obesity places a big emphasis on the harm of drinking soda! 3. There are many who believe that aspartame is a carcinogen!

So, there are three good reasons to quit! Combine those with the simple fact that Diet Coke contains no nutrients whatsoever!

Of course, it is always easier to replace a Bad Habit with a Good Habit and switching from diet coke to drinking water is my Ultimate Goal!

For the time being, if I need a carbonation fix I'm allowing Diet 7-up! It's a crutch to initially wean off caffeine and the next step will be from soda generally. So far, so good! And kudos to Andie who has been willing to help me by not drinking any diet coke in the house! Out of sight, out of mind!

By the end of Lent I am hoping to chant: "Diet Coke, It's a joke! --- But H2O, that's how I roll!" -a K2 original