Sunday, February 7, 2010

To "Blog" Or Not To "Blog"....

Andie wants to write a Guest Post on this K2 Blog! She's been collecting all kinds of material. Whenever I do something weird she threatens to include it in her mother blog roast! Yikes!

I told Andie she should start up her own blog. Between living with elderly parents and teaching special needs students in a rough inner city school, Andie would have plenty of interesting stories!

The back and forth with Andie made me think about why I keep writing this random daily drivel. Outside of an occasional family member placating me, I don't exactly have anyone reading my missives.

And I don't really have a specific theme; most people who blog seem to write about their kids of their crafts or politics, etc. I write about pretty much....well, anything that interests me. I don't exactly have a niche per se. Unless an "eclectic blog" could be my niche. Maybe writing about "anything" becomes like the Seinfeld's really about "nothing!"

I guess there are 3 reasons I keep plugging along. First, I'm more of a reader than a writer so this challenges me out of my comfort zone a bit. Pushing myself with challenging things is a good exercise. So, basically, I'm teaching this old dog new tricks!

Second, with all my reading I constantly find little gems that I don't want to forget! Blogging gives me a chance to record lots of the wonderful quotes, poems, and words of wisdom I discover!

Third, even though I don't have an audience who reads my ramblings I think my writings are my legacy of sorts. Maybe a day will come, fifty plus years down the road where a grandchild might come to know who I was a little bit more from reading my thoughts.

I guess I don't want my own family to ever wonder what I believed in and what I felt passionate about. By nature I'm a little shy so this gives me a medium to express things I feel in my heart!