It's a disaster of epic proportions! Only unlike Katrina, this was not a natural disaster. This was caused by man, although with all the finger pointing it's hard to figure out exactly who to hold responsible!
It does seem that BP should not be deep water offshore drilling if they don't have a plan to deal with problems of this magnitude. Oil rigs have been collapsing, leaking, and catching fire for years so clearly our government needs tougher regulations. Big business gets away with too much.
But is unreasonable to criticize Obama for the spectacular mess! He's not Superman (apparently too many thought he was). The spill happened because the oil industry is not tightly regulated which goes back before the Obama presidency. It also happened because WE all consume this oil!
The ecology of the Gulf may never be restored. The tragedy will effect the livelihood of thousands of people and for many years down the road. It really is a catastrophe! Hopefully there will be strict restrictions placed on deep water off shore drilling in the future.
But while we all anxiously await hearing if BP's Top Kill attempt is working, we might also want to be considering ways that we can conserve and become less dependent on oil generally! I guess I really should trade in my Volvo for a hybrid!