Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A Word Cloud Treat...

“One of the secrets of a happy life is continuous small treats.” -Iris Murdoch

One small treat from my Mother’s Day celebrating was a sweet email from Webb’s girlfriend, Anna, who gave me this customized word cloud. Anna put my blog ip address (whatever that is) into a word cloud generator (whatever that is) which produced the word cloud on the left (and I do know what that is!).

I’ve shown the Seminary kids word clouds after General Conference sessions to impress them with recurring themes by our leaders. The size of the word reflects the frequency of use by the speakers so the conference word clouds always show words like “Savior,” “Christ,” “faith,” “love,” and “service” in big letters.

The customized word cloud Anna made from my blog posts is revealing to me. I’m glad to note that words like “parenting,” “family,” “good,” and “quote" are prominent features in my writings. But I’m embarrassed to see “Kathryn” appear so large. I guess I need to change my blog header that claims that my blog isn’t meant to be “all about me.” I started the blog with a sincere intention not to be egocentric but it appears that it IS “all about me” after all. Oops!

Mainly, I like the word cloud because of Anna’s thoughtfulness to produce it. It’s a clever gift and like my opening quote states, it’s one of those small treats, which, continually bestowed are indeed a source of happiness in life! Thanks Anna!