Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Out with the Old, In with the New!

I've been a little sullen about losing 3 terrific Seniors (Michael, Rose, & Jenae) in our Seminary class. And we've only got 2 incoming Freshman to replace our graduates.

But it turns out that our 2 new Los Gatos High School 9th graders are already winning my heart and yesterday was just the 1st day of class.

Natasha Noskowski and Christina Lange arrived at 6:30 am with great big smiles! Smiles that stayed on their faces all during class! Astonishing!

Generally it's tough to get much facial expression out of teenagers at 6:30 in the morning! Our Seminary class is filled with good kids but their faces usually look tired! Occasionally the students will humor me and laugh at my lame jokes. But typically they're pretty deadpan.

So, you've gotta love freshmen! Both freshmen girls had big wide eyes and nodded in agreement with everything I explained. They were taking it all in, endorsing my class plans with their cute fresh smiles.

It's reminiscent of Young Women's callings where no matter what activities you plan for the Beehives they're enthused and excited. They'll heartily support just about anything, even rather dull events! But by the time those cute little Beehives become Laurels it's nearly impossible to get them pumped about Mutual activities. It could be a Zac Effron guest appearance and their likelihood of attending might still be iffy!

For now, I'll enjoy my 2 Freshmen Sponges! I think it's why I adore the youngsters; they're just waiting to soak it all in!