Sunday, August 1, 2010

Nuances of "Nonstop"...

I always seek the Nonstop Flights, whether I'm flying to New Zealand or Salt Lake! Nonstop flights are the best! After boarding I can read, sleep, chill, etc. with little interruption. Peace. Quiet. Relaxation. At least, as much as an airplane can afford.

On the other hand, I don't seek Nonstop Days! Quite the opposite, in fact, because the vehicle that keeps going, sans stopping is me! And, while this might work fine for some bionic humans (Brent might be a case in point), it exhausts me! I need downtime! I need layovers for refueling!

Here is my recent example of a nonstop Friday/Saturday: group running, helping Lisa Call pack her kitchen for moving, picking up Paige at eBay, driving Paige to the airport, taking Andie to pick up her car, watching Noah during the Touchet's sonogram, holding Noah (yes, nonstop) for 2 hours because Paul forgot Noah's shoes so we couldn't play outside and Noah wanted Paul, swimming with the little people who showed up for kid swim, driving to Oakland for temple night, searching for Kannie and driving Kannie to Campbell, sleeping a little, then, running with the girls, training all-day for Seminary inservice, attending Manny's baptism, & dining at Michael Mina's in San Francisco.

Pretty much all good things (especially dinner at Michael Mina's!). And not so untypical of an average (albeit fully packed) day. But, the catch: everything was back to back! No time to catch my breath in between activities. Or, unload the dishwasher, sort through the mail, return a few phone calls, etc. Events overlapped a little too seamlessly!

Which made me realize that I function best getting snippets of things done in the gaps, or lapses in the schedule. After appointment A but right before B I can toss in a load of laundry, run to the store, water plants, etc. But, I get discombobulated if I have too many meetings or assignments and no downtime!

Most fortunately, I always have the Sabbath Day and today in particular is Fast Sunday. I can't imagine life without a 7th day to renew my spirit and restore a little sanity to the soul. Especially following nonstop days! And even following nonstop flights! When life is rolling along in nonstop fashion, as it tends to do, thank goodness for a day of rest on Sunday! Even when we are still on the go during the Sabbath, at least Sunday commitments usually inspire me versus depleting my energy!

"Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." -Matthew 11:28