Thursday, September 2, 2010

The BIG Picture!

Every Seminary year starts out with a repeat in curriculum where the first 2 days we study The Plan of Salvation. It's a good annual reminder and it always gives me perspective.

There is a Seminary video that portrays The Plan of Salvation like a 3 Act Play where our earth life consists of showing up in the 2nd Act having missed the whole opening/1st Act. Furthermore, we don't get to just "watch" the play; we're thrown onto the stage!

Then, when things don't make sense during Act 2 we don't always realize that Act 3 is the time that everything strange and quizzical gets sorted out.

Keeping The Big Picture in mind needs to be my mantra! Otherwise I can easily get caught up on details that don't make sense. Or why certain things don't feel fair and simply aren't just, based on facts(?) I accumulate in Act 2.

In a world's eye view, there are be plenty of things that just don't add up. It's probably taken me over 50 years (literally) but I am getting better about not dwelling on issues that I may not completely understand. Or unexplainable conundrums. After a certain amount of energy expended trying to figure out the "why's" and the "why not's," I'm now able to shelve/table some of life's incongruencies, trusting that Act 3 will resolve the nonsensical parts!

It a little like "thinking" about The Big Picture without the ability of actually "seeing" The Big Picture. Tricky but possible (note Woodstock in photo)!