But, as a terrible multi-tasker, I still question the safety of letting us carry on distracting conversations while behind the wheel. It turns out that I am a potential hazard even behind the wheel of a shopping cart.
Last week I took a call from Paige while shopping at Costco (hands free). I was perusing an endcap display with cool power juicers. So, I chatted with Paige, looked at the appliance, and soon, decided to move along.
When I reached the next aisle I finished our call and stopped to drop Ziploc bags into my cart. Sudden confusion...another customer was annoyed with me and claimed I had her shopping cart. What? ...But then I glanced down at the cart I was pushing and found it filled with wine, cheese, and products I did not recognize.
Apparently while focused on my phone call, I wandered away from the juicer display taking another woman's shopping cart with me! I was embarrassed and profusely apologetic. The woman softened but still got the heck away from me as fast as she could!
If I can wheel away someone else's cart filled with alcohol at Costco and carry on with my shopping simply because I'm distracted by a phone call, well, it is a little scary to think what I could do behind the wheel of a car!
I've also noticed that if I'm talking on my cell when I arrive at Costco I can leave the warehouse and have no idea where I've parked the Volvo! Costco and phone calls are simply not a good mix for me! Which begs the question: Are phone calls and driving a dangerous combo too?