Thursday, September 27, 2012

Don't mistake routine for commitment.

       Since Yom Kippur was on Tuesday the Washington Post printed an article by Rabbi Shmuel Herzfeld about the Jewish holiday.  The rabbi shared an analogy from a football player getting inducted to the Hall of Fame.  In his acceptance speech the player noted advice from a wise coach who once told him:  "Don't mistake routine for commitment."
       The quote is appropriate for Yom Kippur because it's a holiday where those of the Jewish faith can put their heart, soul, and intensity into their commitment to God. It's the day when they believe God will come out to meet them halfway, when the stumbling blocks or obstacles that get in the way of serving their God are removed.
       So, on Yom Kippur Jewish congregants can fully commit and not hold back anything in their desire to serve others and serve God.  Yom Kippur is that day to remind them of their commitments and of the greatness that can be acheived when they honor those commitments.
       Relative to commitments, I loved reading about the notion of not mistaking routine for commitment.  So often our routines become acts of going-through-the-motions and we lose sight of the more important reason for doing something.  This happens to me a lot actually so the sage advice to not mistake routine for commitment is something I hope to internalize.