Monday, September 17, 2012

Sunday is the golden clasp...

       "Sunday is the golden clasp that binds together the volume of the week."  -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

       Yesterday I was driving home from church and felt a surge of gratitude for Sundays!  Every day of the week can be positive and like the picture states, we need to "Be Present Every Day."  But, there is something wonderful about having a day each week dedicated to recharging and filling our spirits.

       I'm glad that church inspires and uplifts me since I spend at least 3 hours in meetings.  And yesterday, with ward council and a fireside, it was closer to 6 hours, but still, all nourishing for my soul.  Even when my mind wanders during church, it's usually elevated thoughts.  

       There's another one-liner that isn't as profound as Longfellow but it's been a truism in my life.  I'm not sure of the original author of the quote but it goes like this: "A Sunday well-spent brings a week of content."  In my case, this has absolutely panned out!