Sunday, November 14, 2010

What Matters Most...

"Some things don't matter much. Like the color of a house. How big is that in the overall scheme of life? But lifting a person's heart - - now, that matters. The whole problem with people is - - - they know what matters, but they don't choose it . . . The hardest thing on earth is choosing what matters." -from The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd

It would take a fictional character in a novel to say it just right! This quote does nail one of the age old conundrums. I certainly suffer from the ongoing choosing-the-better-part dilemma.

It's easy to understand that choices about colors aren't on the same level of importance as choosing people; choosing to lift, give, and serve. But "knowing things" doesn't mean I always act in accordance with my knowledge. I still get tripped up time and again by putting more significance on things than people.

Still, it's good to be reminded. Even reprimanded. I'm still a work in progress. Half a century worth of slow progress. Followed by a misstep. And hopefully more progress. It's a never ending struggle between knowing and doing. What I know matters the most gets trumped by the trivial. Luckily, there is always tomorrow, offering another chance to practice...