Monday, February 22, 2010

The "Best Part" of the Olympics...

Dipping artichokes in melted butter is tasty. But, by far, the best part of the artichoke is the heart!

For me, if the Olympics were an artichoke (random analogy here) then the stories behind the athletes would be the heart!

The races are great to watch but when NBC shows the little clips about the athletes; those are the highlights for me!

Most of the athletes personal stories are inspiring! Many athletes have overcome great obstacles to be at the Olympics! Some have a touching story of a hero in their life. And, all the Olympians have supporters (family and/or friends) who have always been there for them!

Whatever their nationality, the athletes have great pride in the country they represent! Some of the athletes are characters, a few a little pompous, but mostly, they are loving their moment of glory. And, good for them, they've worked hard to earn it!

One friend told me it drives her crazy when her husband fast forwards their taped Olympic viewing right through the personal story clips! I can't imagine! That's like skipping the heart of the artichoke! The races are exciting; thrilling moments and sometimes heartbreaking, but I'm interested in the race because I've connected emotionally from the stories & interviews.

Thanks to the personal stories, I stay tuned and stay up too late during Olympic season! And, yes, what can I say....the analogy came to mind because we had artichokes for dinner last night! So I guess that is how my thought process works just never know!