Monday, August 2, 2010

The Tooth Fairy's Last Stop!

Right before lunch today Paige will have 4 impacted wisdom teeth removed. This should wrap up any Tooth Fairy visits to the Knudsen children (using the term "children" loosely).

Paige is hoping the Tooth Fairy leaves a real bundle - kind of a big Grand Finale! And, well, it is 4 teeth, after all! The last 4 wisdom teeth in this generation of Knudsens!

Of course, when it comes to teeth, Paige is still in the doghouse with Andie for The Great Tooth Caper (circa late 199o).

When Andie started losing her baby teeth she was a-okay with the Tooth Fairy leaving cash but the concept of the Tooth Fairy taking her tooth away did not sit well with her. So, Andie left meticulous notes for the Tooth Fairy to please leave the money but also leave her tooth. And each time, the kindhearted, generous Tooth Fairy complied with her request.

Andie collected those teeth into a little ceramic bowl that sat on the nightstand by her bedside. There were probably 6 teeth in her collection when one day she noticed the bowl was empty!

We learned the fate of Andie's tooth collection when we changed Paige's diaper. Paige had eaten all of Andie's missing teeth! And, once we discovered where Andie's teeth had been, Andie no longer wanted them back! No surprise there!

Since Paige's speech was still unintelligible (I think she was not quite 2) we just had to surmise why on earth anyone would eat teeth. Our best guess was that Paige thought the teeth were popcorn. Popcorn was taboo for toddlers since they could easily choke on it and Paige had recently discovered popcorn and also learned that she wasn't allowed to eat it yet! The bowl of Andie's teeth must have looked like the kernels at the bottom of a popcorn bowl. Paige must have thought she hit the jackpot!

In a little quid pro quo, I'm planning to bring Paige's wisdom teeth home just in case Andie would like to eat them!