Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Hard Act to Follow...

Tomorrow is Ash Wedesday which ushers in the beginning of Lent. Last year was monumental: I quit drinking Diet Coke!

My sacrifice was so successful that I've continued the no Diet Coke, no caffeinated soda boycott to this day. I'm quite proud of this accomplishment, thank you very much!

Initially, in my "baby steps" approach to change of any kind, I switched from drinking Diet Coke to drinking Diet 7-Up. It seemed reasonable to nix the caffeine but hang on to the rights of carbonation. I know it sounds a little illogical but it made sense to me. Call it Phase 1.

However, at some point is occurred to me that I'd traded one vice for another (albeit less insidious but still lame). So in a moment of great courage I finally gave in about a month ago and banned all soda from my house, my car, my shopping list, my life basically. So far I've stuck to this as well. Progress! Phase 2!

All this build up to say that since Lent 2010 was a huge success; I feel pressure about what to relinquish for the 2011 Lent season. Many typical lenten sacrifices seem too easy (ie. giving up ice cream or chocolate would be a piece of cake for me, no pun intended). Others seem too hard or nearly impossible, like people who give up carbs. Personally, I would starve. I'm afraid I might be as addicted to carbs as I was to caffeine! It's possible that I could give up all breads, which would be wise but very difficult. I'd be such a grouch no one would want to be around me if I swore off breads.

So, I've got 24 hours to make a decision. And lots of pressure, due to last year's victory (such a hard act to follow)!