Thursday, December 23, 2010

Positive Psychology for any Holiday Blues!

"The four things that help people be and remain happy even during the holidays are: good relationships, meaning in life, gratitude, and goals." -Trish Henrie

The holidays can definitely be a stressful time and many Americans have a hard time coping with the pressures of gift giving, the lack of time, or lack of money.

Professor Trish Henrie believes that positive principles like focusing on strengths instead of weakness, building the best things in life instead of repairing the worst, and paying attention to the things that contribute to human health instead of healing wounds and focusing on sickness, can lessen stress and increase well-being.

Positive psychology techniques can help us cope with difficult people (from store clerks to relatives), learn how to forgive our parents or siblings, and to be happy for what we have during the busy holiday season.

I've always believed in focusing on the positive over the negative so Professor Henrie's principles make sense to me. In fact, those 4 things that help keep us happy over the holidays are pretty much the same things that keep most of us content in life generally: relationships, meaning, gratitude, and goals. I'll toast to all 4!