Thursday, June 18, 2009

Choose the Right!

The "CTR" symbol is as familiar to LDS church members as golden arches are to McDonald's customers. I'm older than the CTR ring but not by much! I think it came out in the early 60's and I definitely remember wearing CTR rings in my childhood.

Our ability to "choose," to make our own decisions in life is really what makes us individual and shows our true character. Every day we all make hundreds of little choices that we hardly think twice about. But the little day to day choices really do impact the BIG choices.

A French philosopher named Bainville made the following statement: "We must want the consequences of what we want."

Sometimes if I stop and consider the possible consequences of certain choices I have been able to save myself from making mistakes or using poor judgement. Usually most bad choices ultimately do have potential consequences attached that I'm not interested in suffering!

The last verse in the church hymn "Choose the Right" assures us that in choosing the right there is "SAFETY FOR THE SOUL." I guess that after living half a century I have really seen that both in my life and glimpses of others lives I find that statement to be absolutely true!