Tuesday, June 23, 2009

H2O Melon! Food of Angels!

Mark Twain said: "Watermelon is chief of this world's luxuries.....when one has tasted it, he knows what Angels eat."

Watermelon is my favorite fruit! I've ALWAYS been a big fan and I could eat it daily, year-round!

The strangest thing about my obsession with watermelon is that I actually dislike others members of the Melon Family (cantelope - yuck!, honeydew - no, thanks!, crenshaw - pass!) How can someone LOVE watermelon and not like other melons? I guess it is one of life's great mysteries that I have yet to figure out!

In the first century the personal physician to Marcus Aurelius believed that watermelons will remove the 'conditions' of freckles, facial moles, or epidemic leprosy. I have probably consumed ten times the average consumption of watermelon over the course of my life and I have still have freckles and moles; BUT I HAVE avoided leprosy!