Saturday, October 30, 2010

Smile and the World Smiles With You!

"Smile and the World Smiles With You! Frown and You Frown Alone!"

Just because a statement is cheesy, doesn't mean it isn't true! Smiling is a funny thing because you can force yourself to smile even if you don't feel like smiling. And suddenly it can change your day!

I once read that on long runs when your stride is slowing if you swing your arms more dramatically your legs will follow naturally! I've tried it and it works! Your pace picks up simply by forcing those arms to step it up a notch!

So I've applied the same logic to my countenance. If I'm out on errands and smile at the clerk or the next person in line, I've noticed that people will usually return kindness with kindness. And soon, I'm genuinely in a better mood.

Business guru Tom Peters said: "Smile if it kills you. The physiology of smiling diffuses a lot of anger and angst. It makes your body and soul feel better."

Another bonus to smiling; according to Bits and Pieces magazine: "A smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks almost instantly." And I can certainly use help in that department!