Sunday, October 31, 2010


"When black cats prowl & pumpkins gleam,
May luck be yours on Halloween." -Author Unknown

Samhain is the Celtic celebration or harvest festival that begat Halloween! Thus, Samhainophobia is defined as "a persistent, abnormal, and unwarranted fear of halloween."

I don't suffer from Samhainophobia but the ailment is certainly one I can relate to. While most Halloween festivities are harmless and fun, dressing up in a costume can strike fear in me.

I'm down with pumpkins and ghost stories. Ditto the whole trick or treating gig for little people. The Halloween things that creep me out are the horror films and all the dark imagery (the death and evil themes). Actually, skeletons, witches, and demons can be fairly tame or downright ghoulish. Afterall, a tame skeleton can look pretty cute.

However, take the Halloween symbol of the black cat. Now black cats truly scare me! While I can envision monsters as adorable; in my book there is no such thing as a cute black cat!

I'm not dissing the holiday! I'm always game for celebrating. Just don't make me don a fancy costume and keep all black cats at a distance! Otherwise, Happy Halloween!

"Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and cauldron bubble." -the witches in Macbeth, William Shakespeare