Thursday, February 10, 2011

Eat Less!

The US Department of Agriculture revised their Dietary Guidelines booklet for the first time since 2005.

And this year they've added a recommendation to maintain health. It's the boldest nutrition advice they've given over the years. The new booklet encourages Americans to ...(drumroll, please)... "Enjoy their food but eat less."

"Eat less" there's a concept! While I shouldn't really need the federal government to tell me common sensical things, I'm encouraged that they are finally acknowledging the obesity issues plaguing our country.

Apparently, in past versions of the dietary guidelines the government has not wanted to anger the food lobbyists so they'd side step. Of course.

Kudos to Michelle Obama for putting our country's obesity epidemic in the spotlight. Portion sizes are out of control and we (I include myself in this problem) have become a gluttonous people!

I read a cool slogan that someone came up with: "Eat Less, Exercise More, Eliminate Nighttime Treats, And Restrain Yourself! It's ELEMENTARY!" Not a bad motto to commit to memory! Although when I get right down to it, sometimes (usually) it's the elementary, the most basic stuff that throws me off.