Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Power of Example...

"Don't worry that children never listen to you; worry that they are always watching you." -Robert Fulghum

It turns out that children both listen AND watch what the adults are doing! Andie and I had a classic Emily Bryan moment over the weekend that proves this theory.

We were en route to Trader Joes with Emily along for the ride in the back seat. Since Emily was listening to the ABC's CD, Andie and I were catching up on her life in Palo Alto, completely unaware that Emily could even hear our conversation. As Andie told me about their house guest from Brazil, Andie mentioned that they were kind of trying to fellowship her and noted that she had a Book of Mormon.

All of a sudden, our back seat companion perked up on hearing the book title, piped in and exclaimed: "Hey, my Mom reads the Book of Mormon!"

Until Emily's little announcement we weren't aware she was even listening to us so let that be a warning if you don't think 3 and a half year olds soak up your conversations! And, I think Jennifer is going to be thrilled to learn that Emily is watching her enough to notice Jennifer's reading material! We came home and had Emily tell the Bishop what her Mom is reading and he was impressed!

Emily's little voice when she had information to add to our dialogue was so dang cute (as always). Now if I want to make Andie smile all I have to do is send her the simple text message "my Mom reads the Book of Mormon" and we'll both have a laugh!

So, one take-away from Emily's declaration: get caught reading good things (children may be watching) and make sure your conversations are kosher to be overheard by little people!