Monday, February 14, 2011

Saint Valentine on Campus...

Here's a roundabout Valentine's story from my college years. After transferring from BYU to the University of Utah I ran into my high school girlfriend, Crystal, at the library. In updating each other I noted a few dates I'd been on with a Sigma Chi named Brent.

"Brent Knudsen," Crystal laughed. "You two are perfect for each other." And then she explained why and what was so funny.

Crystal recalled passing Brent the previous Valentines day on campus. Brent stopped her, excitedly opened his backpack filled with Valentines, scribbled a note to Crystal and handed it off.

Crystal claims she honestly remembered thinking "that is exactly the kind of quirky thing my friend, Kathryn, would do!" So Crystal believes she had the "two peas in a pod" pegged before we ever knew one another existed!

When Crystal shared her clairvoyant tale I quibbled that she was both wrong and right. While it IS true that I'm always up for commemorating any/all occasions, my celebratory ways are not quite so public. In other words, I might mail you a Valentine but I'm not bold enough to impersonate Saint Valentine walking across campus handing out cards (just to be clear!).

Crystal's Valentine exchange with Brent and her noting our similarities is something I've thought about over the years. Because while Crystal dubbed Brent as the "guy version" of me, she was only accurate on a few levels. Turns out we've got similarities but we're pretty different too. Which happily has worked out just fine! So, here's a limerick for my Valentine, and apparently, sometimes, my twin:

There once was a Saint named Brent,
And Valentines the guy always sent.
Then my good friend she declared,
"Though you're both somewhat impaired,
For each other you surely were meant!" -K2

*(the photo isn't great but validates my argument that Brent's more gregarious. Here he is trying to haul his reluctant wife to the dance floor!)