We found that there is only one section in the entire Doctrine and Covenants that has the same amount of verses in the section as the section number. For a trivia nut like me this is very cool information. Completely useless but cool nonetheless!
Obviously, you've probably figured out (thanks to the help of the Disney Dalmatians) that it's Section 101 with 101 verses!
It's like Golden Birthdays (ie. the year I turned 24 since my birthday is June 24th) but with Scriptures! So, Section 101 is the Golden Section!
Today we are studying the 2nd half of Section 101 so I'm sporting a gold(ish) sweater, bringing in Golden Grahams cereal for breakfast, and planning to sing "The Golden Plates" (Primary song). Then we'll dig into our Golden Section (101) to mine for some nuggets or golden truths in the scriptures!
As you can see, I'll attempt anything to liven up these darling but sleep deprived teenagers! And, yes, I realize this class description sounds like someone who has way too much free time on her hands!
Maybe the only thing the Seminary kids will remember from class today is how many verses are in Section 101 but sometimes seemingly useless information comes in handy at random times. You just never know.