Friday, January 28, 2011

Moment of Clarity....

"I am all the ages that I've ever been." -Anne Lamott

I've been connecting with high school girlfriends to set up another ski retreat. So far it's just a group of 5 of us trying to coordinate schedules and once we pick a date we'll expand the invite.

But finding a weekend that works is harder than you might think! The "fly in the oinment" (boy, there's an old saying) is the impending arrival of Kim Brewer's grandson. Which is very exciting, wonderful news, but it makes Kim's availability more tenuous.

Thinking of Kim becoming a Grandmother makes me realize the huge disconnect between how WE (the high school buddies) see ourselves relative to how the world sees us!

The top photo is NOT of any of us. I have no idea who those women are. But they are probably a typical image that comes to mind when you think of Grandmothers. Am I right?

I would argue that my darling friends have fared a little better than those singing grandmothers above, however, we no longer look like the black and white photo at left. But, when we get together, that IS how we still see ourselves! That is honestly how we think we look!

Why? Well, we don't really feel all that different than those goofball girls. At least not until we look in the mirror and wonder why we are looking at our mothers! How does that happen? It's one of the great mysteries of life!

So even if we still try to ski like we're high school jocks (some pull this off better than others), the fact that we've got to vacation between grandchildren's due dates is a bit of a reality check!

"Grandchildren don't make a man feel old . . . it's the thought that he's married to a grandmother." G. Norman Collie