"The busy man is troubled with but one devil; the idle man by a thousand." -Spanish proverb
It wasn't just a "double" feature in my church line-up this weekend. I ended up with 3 evenings & Sunday morning filled with church meetings. And even with my short attention span, I survived!
I already mentioned (Saturday's blog) President Uchtdorf's talk at the CES (church educational system) Broadcast on Friday night. As you'd expect, he was motivating and uplifting.
Then, Saturday night was the adult session for the Saratoga Stake Conference which is always surprisingly good. Actually I'm not sure whether the evening meetings are better or if I'm more focused (no babies at the adult meeting to distract me - although babies can be a darn cute distraction).
Sunday morning was a live broadcast for 62 stakes in northern California. All the speakers were good, especially President Eyring. His comments on the Lord speaking through his prophets was excellent. President Eyring shared examples from working with several church presidents (but in his humble way). He also pointed out that in his experience he has found that the better he has known the prophets personally the easier it is to believe that these men are called of God. Naysayers might suppose the opposite would be true.
Finally, Brent coaxed me to tag along to the YW "New Beginnings" Fireside which annually welcomes incoming Beehives to the Young Women program. The theme of the fireside was the "Worth of Souls/Soles" and the program used a variety of shoes to help describe the values. It was cute, teenage girl style anyway.
In addition to this hodgepodge of meetings we also fed the missionaries dinner on Sunday which hardly left me any spare time all weekend to get into trouble!
"...Choose you this day whom ye will serve, ...as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." -Joshua 24:15