Tuesday, July 5, 2011

William Wordsworth’s Spots of Time

"There are in our existence spots of time,
That with distinct pre-eminence retain,
A renovating virtue, whence, depressed
By false opinion and contentious thought,
Or aught of heavier or more deadly weight,
In trivial occupations, and the round
Of ordinary intercourse, our minds
Are nourished and invisibly repaired."
-William Wordsworth, from The Prelude

We can all create "spots of time" for others. Many times these are simple acts of kindness. Something that might seem insignificant to us can turn a life around. I’ve been the recipient of actions that touch me deeply yet the other person might not even be aware that their gesture or words had a huge impact on me.

In another poem Wordsworth called these acts of service as "the best portion of a good man's life.” I’m blessed by so many good men and good women; people I look up to and learn from. Or, as Wordsworth said, through their virtues my mind is nourished and invisibly repaired.