Sunday, November 22, 2009

I. Don't. Like. Cats! I. Never. Have!

"Beware of people who dislike cats." -Irish proverb

I should apologize upfront to anyone who finds it appalling that I'm confessing my disdain for cats! It's evil, I know! I do see the irony of living in the town of Los Gatos (spanish for "the cats").

For further irony, this weekend while we were away, the Ahlblad's cat got stuck on our master bedroom deck! Because a tree crashed and toppled the deck, the cat found access and made her way up but got scared and couldn't get down. Just a slight variation of the old "cat stuck in a tree" story!

When the Ahlblads discovered where their cat was (sorry I don't even know the proper name of their cat) they brought over ladders but there wasn't a safe way to get to the cat. Bjorn was going to have to call the fire department but he was able to get inside our house and coax the cat into our bedroom (probably best that I wasn't home to witness a cat in my house, in my room! Yikes!)

Despite being cold and frightened, the Ahlblads said the cat is okay! But, me? I'm sure I'll have nightmares of cats lurking right outside our bedroom! The deck repair starts on Monday and none too soon! We need to get the tree moved so the cat can't try a repeat performance! If it roams up again and stares me down with those beady cat eyes, the next story might not have a happy ending!

And, if you were wondering....yes, it was very difficult for me to even bring myself to post a cat picture for this blog entry! I take pride in trying to find pictures that I LIKE to post! But, this drawing WAS less creepy than a picture of a REAL cat! And, please no one tell the Alhblads that I don't like their cat; I tried to be very solicitous when they told us about the drama! I won't tell you what I was thinking but the first thing I said was: "So, is the cat okay?"