Friday, November 6, 2009

No Ugly Ducklings!

"Life itself is the most wonderful Fairy Tale." -Hans Christian Anderson

Hans Christian Anderson is my favorite children's fairy tale author! I've wanted to visit Denmark just because of him. So, I loved it when President Dieter F. Uchtdorf spoke at a CES Fireside Broadcast Sunday night and weaved "The Ugly Duckling" story into his message!

President Uchtdorf was excellent! He is always
spot-on, sensing just what his audience needs to hear and delivering it with his great sense of humor! President Uchtdorf has a knack for disarming us from guilt/angst and helping us see our potential! A true motivator!

When I watch President Uchtdorf speak I sit back and think: Now, there is an inspired man! His fireside message was a reminder that "discovering who we really are is part of this great adventure called life."

There are always going to be voices (our own included) that try to insist that we are ugly ducklings and will never be anything else! "But you know better," President Uchtdorf said. "Because of the revealed word of a merciful God, you have seen your true reflection in the water and you have felt the eternal glory of that divine spirit with you."