Monday, November 30, 2009

Gratitude is the Heart's Memory!

I love the story in the 17th Chapter of Luke, where Christ cures ten lepers but only one returns to give thanks.
Jesus asked, "Were there not ten cleansed? but where are the nine?"

The scriptures don't tell us why the other nine lepers didn't return but some have speculated. I think I might see myself in their possible excuses at times.

Maybe one leper waited to see if the cure would last. Maybe one thought he'd probably see Jesus later. One might have decided that he never really had leprosy. Perhaps one intended to return and then life got busy!

Presumably, the nine had faith, for they too, like the leper who returned, were healed. But the thing they were lacking was their Expression of Thanks! Surely they Felt Thankful; how could anyone not feel thankful being healed of such a terrible disease.

When we feel GRATEFUL, we feel it in our HEART! It's a feeling I love, a feeling that has power and possibility! I find myself feeling thankful for so many small things; something someone says that touches me, a simple random act of kindness, a great talk in church that leaves me inspired. I feel grateful but I need to be more like the one leper and less like the other nine. I need to be better about expressing thanks!

President Monson gave a talk awhile back called "Think to Thank" and he reminds us that the words "Thank You" have been called the two most important words in the English language! I really want to make a better effort be the kind of person that takes the time to say thank you more often to others! Even/especially for the small things!