Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Aztec Cuisine...

It just took one morning of paddle boarding with his friend, Dr. Bob Arnot, for Brent to be consumed with adopting the Aztec lifestyle! Okay, mostly just an Aztec diet, per se, but pretty much anything touted by Dr. Bob is sacrosanct.

Since their outing at the beach last week we’ve got a whole new plan of attack for Brent’s knee pain which includes a special foam roller for exercises, some newfangled supplements, no more ibuprofen, and an afternoon spent with a team of medical specialists at a fancy New York City hospital.

Hopefully this bag of tricks will mitigate Brent’s chronic knee pain. And, in addition to the physicians and stretching and medicine, Dr. Bob promotes eating like our former Mexican neighbors, the Aztec Indians.

According to Dr. Bob, by increasing our consumption of things like sweet potatoes, corn/maize, and chia seeds, we’ll lower our glucose load and decrease our inflammation. Other carbohydrates like bagels, rice, spaghetti, and pancakes result in a terribly high glucose load. Low glucose = good, high glucose = bad!

Personally, I still prefer a flour tortilla to a corn one and a yukon gold potato to a sweet one but I’ll humor Brent in his new Aztec ways. I’ve even offered to feed him gophers, just like the Aztec’s ate, but I draw the line at cannibalism.