Tuesday, May 10, 2011


"I didn’t listen to her because she was my mother & wouldn’t know anything until I was much older.” -Brian Andreas, Story People

The rule around my house (imposed by me) regarding gifts for Mom restricts my kids from monetary presents and requires their memorization and presentation of a poem, quote, scripture, etc. This started about six years ago and it’s a tradition I love.

However, I did purchase a Mother’s Day gift for myself this year, the Story People print at left. It’s now framed and sitting on my desk as a reminder not to fret over the minor detail that my kids sometimes think I am a hapless, bumbling idiot.

It’s probably a tried and true fact that during their teen years, my children didn’t generally give much credibility to my wealth of knowledge. Nor did any accumulation of experience I’d gathered impress them. To them, I was kind of a nitwit.

But all adults weren’t necessarily suspect. I recall times when my advice was discounted and promptly ignored while another source imparting similar wisdom was applauded.

So, you can see why this art print would catch my fancy. It implies that when my kids are much older I will finally gain some credibility. Or, at the very least, at least they will listen to me. And I occasionally get glimpses of this transition when they acknowledge my idea as having potential or they’re relatively attentive to my astute commentary. It’s not a frequent occurrence but it’s definitely gone up from zero so it can only rise in time, or, as Brian Andreas notes, when they are much older.

In the meantime, while I wait for this exoneration, just having the print makes me happy (and hopeful)!