But even without Brent, Webb, and Ernie the turkey trot still had 21,000 race participants. Out of which, Paige Knudsen took 5th place Woman Overall and 1st Place in her Age Group! Woo Hoo Paigey!
We are sure Paige has won something but we didn’t stick around for the awards ceremony so hopefully they’ll mail her the trophy/prize money, etc. We couldn’t lounge around at the grandstand waiting since our Thanksgiving feast preparation needed to get underway.
Paige was joined by a bunch of her fellow Lululemon employees (most ran the 5K though) and Andie and I ran a hybrid of a 10K/5K combo. It does feel good to get in a decent run before the feasting begins. For every five miles we can add another piece of pumpkin pie to our plates, right?