Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I Collect Soundbites!

Soundbites are free and you can find them EVERYWHERE! You know those clever lines you read in articles that linger in your thoughts; sometimes they make you laugh, sometimes they make you cry, and oftentimes they make think...and think again!

Here are 3 examples from the past week.
#1 (made me laugh): From a NieNie blog that Andie introduced me to, NieNie travels with her family to New York City. When the airplane is landing NieNie's mother asks the flight attendant if she is going to "start spreading the news?" Apparently, the flight attendant didn't think it was all that funny, but NieNie did and so do I! It makes me laugh just to think about that funny clever Mom! "Start spreading the news, I'm leaving today. I want to be a part of it, New York, New York!"

#2 (made me cry): I read a tragic story in the Deseret News about John Jones, a young father and medical student, who died after getting stuck in a cave and the rescue efforts failed. During the rescue attempts he was in contact with his family and they said his spirits were high; even his sense of humor was intact. At one point he consoled his wife. He told her not to worry since he simply couldn't die because.... "A funeral," he said, "is just not in our budget right now." Yep, that one made me a little teary!

3rd (made me think & ponder): I'm not really a Sarah Palin fan or foe but no one can argue that she is a force to be reckoned with! Most quotes attached to Palin are doozers like "you can see Russia from my house!" But last week when Oprah Winfrey asked her whether Levi Peterson would be coming for Thanksgiving dinner, Palin answered: "It's lovely to think that he would ever even consider such a thing. Because, of course, he is a part of the family and you want to bring him in the fold and kind of under your wing. And he needs that too..." And maybe it's a lot of spin, but still, it's a nice gesture. Rather than speak ill of Levi after all the dirt he's been slinging on the Palin's she stood on higher ground. It seemed sincere.

See what I mean about Soundbites! Collect a few of your own! Watch out: it's kind of addictive!