Saturday, December 26, 2009

Beyond Jerusalem; Discovering the Israeli Wilderness!

One highlight yesterday was Webb's safe arrival! Because of work he flew out a day late and because of a big mid eastern storm we thought he might get stranded in Chicago!

Another highlight was our swim in the Dead Sea! The lake is 1348 feet below sea level; the lowest point on earth! Since's Andie's had a bad cold, we're testing the claims of the Dead Sea's therapeutic healing powers, hoping she'll be miraculously cured! With the salt/mineral content of the water at nearly 30% you can sit back and float with no effort. Very fun!

Hiking around Masada is an incredible history lesson! It was originally build by King Herod as a fortress but in 70 A.D. Jewish rebels took over the mountaintop for 3 years until a major Roman siege.

When the Jewish zealots realized they had no hope but to be captured they chose to commit a mass suicide (almost 1000 men, women & children). Rather than submit to slavery, abuse, and loss of freedom, they felt it was more honorable to die. "Masada shall not fall again," is a swearing-in oath of the modern Israeli army.

Ein Gedi is a beautiful National Park near the Dead Sea where we hiked to David's Waterfall and read the Old Testament story of David fleeing from King Saul, hiding in the caves. Ein Gedi had some unique animals, the Ibex (looks like a moutain goat) and the Hydrax (looks like a big rat).

Qumran was next, the location where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found in 1947 by a Bedouin shepherd boy. These scrolls were meticulously written on parchment/animal skins by the Essenes, a sect of Judaism.

Shabbat begins at sundown on Friday so it was a perfect evening to visit the Western Wall; the most holy site for Jews. Since they believe that shekhina, (God's presence), dwells within the walls it is a sacred place for them to pray.

With everything closed on the Israeli side of the Old City we found a Palestine restaurant for dinner. We told the owner to bring a little bit of everything, which he did, and we loved, but he charged us three times as much as he should. Since we hadn't agreed on a price we were stuck. It's an expensive way to learn that some will take advantage of tourists! So, we're learning not just history but some important bargaining skills too!