Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Gift of FAMILY!

My paternal grandmother passed away before I was born, even before my parents were married. She died of a freak brain aneurysm when my Dad was graduating from college.

Because my Dad was an only child we had no aunts, no uncles, & no cousins on his side of the family. My grandmother's sister, Lucille, must have felt that something was amiss for us without any extended family from my Dad's side. A situation like this was pretty much unheard of living in Utah where everyone had dozens of aunts/uncles and hundreds of cousins!

My Dad's Aunt Lucille decided to include us in her immediate family's annual Christmas Party. I'm sure she did this in part as a tribute to her sister. I don't know if she ever knew what a special gift that invitation was for our family!

Whenever we recall the most meaningful gifts we've received they usually aren't the lavish, extravagant gifts. The Gift of Extended Family that my Dad's Aunt Lucille gave us was a great blessing for our family. Aunt Lucille showed us that we did have aunts, uncles, and cousins related to us on my Dad's side! Even if they were second cousins, or once removed, or whatever it would be called.

Aunt Lucille's gift was more than a simple invitation to their holiday parties. Her invitation made us a part of their clan! It was a memorable and generous gift!