Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Who Dunnit?

For Bookgroup tonight we're discussing, Murder in the White House, by Margaret Truman. It's our 2nd mystery book in the past year.

I liked both mysteries all right but here's the rub: I had the murderer pegged in the first chapter (in both books)! Which kind of takes the fun & suspense out of reading on. Except of course, to validate my guess!

I'm honestly not trying to sound bragadocious. Maybe my hunches were just beginner's luck. Or maybe reading Encyclopedia Brown books in childhood honed my detective skills! Whatever the reason, my super sleuthing makes me less inclined to pick up mysteries (as a genre) on my own. Seems I only read mysteries when they're assigned.

I suppose figuring out Who Dunnit is a little pleasing (Go Sherlock!) but also disappointing. Part of me genuinely wants to be surprised and a little befuddled (gotta love any chance to use that word) when the killer is finally revealed! So I won't disclose who strangled the Secretary of State Lansard Blaine in the Lincoln Bedroom! Come to Bookgroup and find out!