Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mom's Rock!

"Mothering is a subtle art whose rhythm we collect and learn, as much from one another as from instinct. Taking shape, we shape each other, with subtle pressure and sudden knocks. The challenges shape us, approvals refine, the wear and tear of small abrasions transform, until we're slowly made up of one another and yet wholly ourselves." -Louise Erdich "The Blue Jay's Dance"

The rhythm of my own mothering has been collected from a hodge podge of women! I've had great examples to observe all through my life!

The only mother I've never encountered is The Perfect Mother! While, I'm sure many Moms come really close, it's actually quite a relief that "she" doesn't exist!

I'm one of the Moms who suffers from Mother's Guilt (which ebbs and flows...just when you think you are in remission....bam!). Mother's Guilt usually hits me right around Mother's Day when I face the reality that despite one more year of practice, I'm still very much a "work in progress" and still "winging it as I go along" relative to my mothering skills!

Despite my shortcomings I do believe it is the divine role of women to nurture! It's an attribute that feels second nature to most mothers.

Most women seem to be born with an innate sense of goodness. I love the way humor writer Dave Barry describes this. Barry writes:
"I believe if women were in charge of all the world's nations, there would be, I sincerely believe this, virtually no military conflicts, and if there were a military conflict, everybody involved would feel just awful and there would soon be a high level exchange of thoughtful notes, written on greeting cards with flowers on the front, followed by a Peace Luncheon (which would be salads, with the dressing on the side)." -Dave Barry

Mother's Day Greetings to Nurturing Women who Rock the World Everywhere!