Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Rock in My Shoe!

"Delay is the deadliest form of denial." -C. Northcote Parkinson

What kind of idiot keeps running when there is a rock in her shoe? Probably the same runner who won't stop to tie her shoelaces when they come undone.

If I get a small pebble lodged in my shoe, it can be terribly annoying but I usually keep trudging along. Not because I'm in a race. Not because I'm all that fast to begin with.

I probably kept going because I don't like to deal with things! I'm afraid my nature is inclined to ignore things. And, sometimes they actually do go away! All own their own! Some shoe rocks eventually work their way to my arch and wah-lah, I'm pain free once again. Temporarily at least.

With untied shoelaces, they just keep flapping. Again, a bother, just not irksome enough to break my stride (albeit a slow one).

Common sense tells me that it would behoove me to stop and fix the problem. Tie those laces! Get rid of the rock! I guess it's just a small example of how I sometimes undermine my own common sense!

At least it appears that I am in good company. Gwyneth Paltrow said: "I have a highly developed sense of denial." And the Calvin and Hobbes cartoonist, Bill Watterson claims that: "It's not denial. I'm just selective about the reality I accept." I'll ditto those comments!