Sunday, July 25, 2010

Choose Wisely!

"Choose your books as wisely as you choose your friends." -advice given to Mary Pipher by her Grandmother

Mary Pipher is one of my mentors! She's a clinical psychologist but became a well known writer when one of her early books on eating disorders for teenage girls, Reviving Ophelia, hit the bestseller lists.

I've read all of Mary Pipher's books and find her traditional approaches to treating behavioral issues refreshing. Pipher's a big fan of families sitting down for dinner together! Amen to that idea! Her therapy work with clients might involve getting them out to exercise, finding beauty in nature, or taking on a service project.

I could end up writing numerous blogs about Pipher's counsel because her philosophies on life are really consistent with my beliefs. I find her insight wise, her advice clever, and her approach to treatment pragmatic but creative.

I love the quote I opened with! So, it isn't just friends who influence me for good and ill. Books, music, media of all types have an impact! I totally concur with this notion. While our circle of influence can be far reaching likewise the things that influence me is a wide net as well. I need to exercise caution on any source of influence that is not uplifting!

Regarding the power of music, I like the way President Monson expressed it in April's General Conference when he said: "Music can help you draw closer to your Heavenly Father. It can be used to educate, edify, inspire, and unite. However, music can, by it's tempo, beat, intensity, and lyrics, dull your spiritual sensitivity. You cannot afford to fill your minds with unworthy music."

I suppose it behooves me to stretch Pipher's grandmother's admonishment to choosing all my media (books, TV, movies, music) as wisely as I choose my friends!