Friday, July 2, 2010

Grandpa's Beautiful Hot Dog!

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." -Plato

My "beautiful blood" from yesterday's post brought back memories of our long standing family joke about Grandpa's Beautiful Hot Dog!

Poor Grandpa; it's a line the guy may never live down! We might even be tempted to skip the traditional ham & funeral potatoes luncheon when Grandpa dies and serve "beautiful hot dogs!"

The occasion that spurred on the legendary tale was a Thanksgiving trip to Hawaii. We stayed at the Waikoloa Beach Resort on the Big Island. The resort was still new and high end. Everything felt quite plush and we were all having a great vacation.

One morning when the cousins had all gathered in from swimming they invited Grandpa and Carol to join them for lunch. But, Grandpa declined saying that he had "just enjoyed a beautiful hot dog."

In retrospect it probably doesn't sound hilarious but Grandpa's description of the hot dog and just the mere fact that anyone would call a hot dog beautiful had the kids rolling with laughter! So, "The Tale of Grandpa's Beautiful Hot Dog" comes up anytime we go to a Giants game or see hot dogs on a menu or pass Costco's hot dog stands. Grandpa's Beautiful Hot Dog (which none of us actually saw) will forever live in infamy!

"A thing of beauty is a joy forever." -John Keats