Monday, July 5, 2010


Transformers! We are officially transforming Andie's bedroom. Some might call this "redecorating" but that's a wimpy title for our project! No, we are taking an unruly-discombobulated-place-with-too-much-stuff and literally transforming it into a brand new environment!

It isn't completely Andie's fault that the room needs "transformers." Her storage space is miniscule and it's hard to organize without places to put things. But, once the transformation takes place, Andie won't have any excuse if her living space gets cluttered.

The plan is to eliminate everything currently in the room but the bed! Then, the couch will be replaced by a second closet of sorts and bada-bing, Andie should have ample options for storage. Which should relieve the piles that form on on the bed, the desk, the couch or the floor. Theoretically anyway.

It took me awhile to realize that even with major purging the bedroom is just not conducive for anyone who has an average amount of clothes. And let's just say Andie might be well above the national average in the clothes department. But who's counting?

We'll get a photo up as soon the transformation is complete! Stay tuned!