Friday, April 23, 2010

The Countdown Begins....

"Chains Required." -posted at Donner Pass during snowstorms

It's tradition in my Seminary class to make a colorful chain after Spring Break to countdown class days left!

I'm a big believer in traditions and in countdown chains! Some days the Seminary kids might wonder if they've stepped foot in preschool but truthfully I don't think they mind fun diversions. They're always good sports; humor my jokes, lame art projects, and silly games! That, or they are just too tired too protest!

I see the waves of high school students around campus and can't help but notice how wholesome the youth I teach look relative to the student body at large. None of my Seminary crew is perfect but they are sincere and they are good kids! They arrive each morning looking exhausted. In fact, I'll bet every one of them would claim that they "are not a morning person." Still, they come and participate and genuinely seem happy when they leave!

I'm not certain whether I'll be returning to teach next year or not. I've completed the 4 year standard works cycle, or in other words, my graduating Seniors have been stuck with me since Freshman year (poor darlings)!

So, while the youth daydream over the school year end, I'm actually a little wistful watching the chain shrink, realizing that my most excellent experience of teaching these cute kids could be coming to a close!

Teaching Seminary is time consuming (my own fault for over preparation) and a little frustrating at moments (chronic tardiness issues) but it's been a great blessing in my life as well! I've learned a ton and I've come to admire these teenagers who stay strong and valiant even while they are figuring out who they are!

This world could use more Countdown Chains and less Chain Letters! (at least that's my opinion)