Friday, April 30, 2010

"See" No Evil!

Apparently I can't see "evil" as well these days. Or "see" anything else very well for that matter! I've had 2 eye exams this year; which is 2 more than I've ever needed before!

The 1st exam was just an impulse walking out of Costco, deciding to take advantage of their cheap vision screening.

The impetus for this was a reality check when the DMV required an Eye Test for my last driver's license renewal. I thought my vision impairment was solely a need for reading glasses.

But the DMV eye chart revealed my long distance vision was not as sharp as I thought. I did pass the test, so I'm not a hazard on the highway, but the difficulty of seeing the small letters at a distance left me unsettled.

I felt like a straight A student who suddenly gets her first C! I always prided myself in 20/20 vision. Suddenly my eyesight was compromised not just close up but also at a distance! Big Bummer!

At Costco I hoped a prescription for contact lenses would solve both (far & near) vision problems. And if my eyes weren't so darn sensitive this could have been a good option. Alas, after multiple problems with the contact lens getting lost behind my retina, the opthamologist was baffled and declared I probably wasn't a good candidate for contacts! Another Big Bummer!

Exam 2 was my hope that Lasik eye surgery could be the ticket to eliminate reading glasses and enhance my vision all around! This time, after a whole slew of tests, I've been put on hold for another month due to "dry eyes." Apparently you are a better candidate for Lasik if your retina is swimming around in fluid. Who knew?

So, I'm faithfully applying eye drops twice a day so my 3rd visit will work like a charm and Dr. Bindi will pronounce me a good candidate for eye surgery! If not, I will feel like a total failure in Eyesight 101!