Tuesday, April 6, 2010

General Conference "Best Soundbite" Award!

Hands down my vote for the best soundbite from the April 2010 General Conference came from Russell M. Ballard informing youth about their Mothers:

"She may not be a whiz at texting: she may not even have a Facebook page! But when it comes to matters of the heart and things of the Lord, she has a wealth of knowledge!"

Okay, I added the exclamation points, otherwise it's verbatim.

Amen! Go Elder Ballard!

Actually, when I mentioned this awesome quote to my Seminary kids they all groaned that their Moms actually DO have Facebook! But, I didn't get the impression they thought that was a good thing!

But since I can't text and chew gum at the same time (ie. not a multitasker) and I am too lazy to do the whole Facebook frenzy, Elder Ballard's first line fits me perfectly. As to whether the second line works in my case, I suppose it might depend on who you ask!

I certainly try to pass off my opinions as tried and true! (Hey, they've worked for me!) Alas, my wealth of knowledge seems to go untapped most of the time. Imagine that - it even comes free of charge. And usually unsolicited too!