Paige had visions of a full meal spread in the box suite and her moment of fame on the ice. But, the race sponsors didn’t quite envision the same hoopla Paige was hoping for. The food was marginal and the winners were presented over the jumbotron. That’s right, no ambling down onto the ice, just waving to the fans from the jumbotron.
So, Paige didn’t quite get the red carpet VIP treatment but at least the Sharks won 7 to 1.
While Andie and I waited for Brent to pitch up we inquired about tickets which were ridiculously expensive (not that any price is too high to watch Paige get awarded!). But we hadn’t really come to see the hockey, we were there mainly for the half time shows featuring the runners.
I asked a security guy if we could just get in without tickets to see the intermission only (I just wasn’t in the mood to pay $200 for lousy seats). Initially he said no and then returned and motioned for Andie and I to discreetly follow him. Minutes later we were in amazing seats a few rows back from the ice. Sometimes it just pays to ask the right people and be nice when they turn you down. I think he felt sorry for us and returned to do his good deed for the day.
So the highlight of the night didn’t turn out to be our superstar runner as much as the free seats we scored! And by the time Brent got away from church appointments he’d missed Paige’s jumbotron moment so it’s a good thing I hadn’t bought him a $200 seat. Plus, I’m sure Andie and I will find something to spend our ticket savings on as we head up to San Francisco today!