Saturday, February 25, 2012

Parenting 101...

“And what is our real job, as parents, if not first to nurture the beings entrusted to our care, to have faith in their inchoate processes of growing and becoming, and then to show up, again and again, for as long as we are able, to bear grateful witness to their unfolding destinies?” -Kate Kenison

I love this quote. It encompasses parenting at every stage because after the nurturing years we’ve got a lot of years to exercise faith in our kids, and finally, to always pitch up to their games, performances, their accomplishments, their every things, and show our pride and as they develop their unique gifts.

Going into parenting I had no clue of the joys, watching kids good choices, and the sorrows, those times when they thwart their own progress. It seems that being a parent of adult children is no less fraught with emotion than the days when they were just youngsters!