Monday, February 6, 2012

Primary is prime time....

Andie got to substitute teach one of the more darling Los Gatos Ward Primary classes yesterday and they learned all about families! Meanwhile, the mother of one of Andie’s students was substituting in Relief Society so I heard her sweet lesson on women in the church during Christ’s ministry.

Maybe it is partly due to yesterday being a fast and testimony Sunday (ie. hunger might make me more humble and teachable), but I felt a great spirit during the whole church block.

Sometimes people are shocked to learn we spend three hours worshipping but it’s never really bothered me. I feel blessed for church attendance in innumerable ways. For one thing, it’s great to be among families that inspire me and make me want to try a little harder to be a little better (a la President Hinckley). I honestly feel like the Sabbath church block is a privilege.

I mean, seriously, look at these darling 5 & 6 year olds Andie taught in Primary; does it get any cuter?