Sunday, February 5, 2012

Selective Hearing & Tempo Runs...

Ah, you’ve got to love how excited a stake president can get about gospel oriented things! With Brent’s new calling he’s all over any opportunity for spiritual growth. For the most part it’s endearing.

When Paige called on Saturday morning and mentioned her running group was doing a “tempo run,” what Brent heard was “temple run.” Granted, Paige can be difficult to understand but Brent really perked up about a temple run.

We’re not sure what he envisioned (run some miles, do a session, run some more?) but he’s was all over it. “A temple run,” Brent replied. “That sounds great! How does that work?”

Once he realized the Equinox running group was actually just running a fixed (think steady, specific, planned) pace for their Saturday “tempo” run, his excitement about Paige’s morning run dampened a bit.

But, Paige technically had her “temple run” on Thursday night at the Newport Beach Temple doing baptisms. So, this week she got in both, temple and tempo runs, which makes the stake president very happy:) Keep it up Pooge!